Adele Sinclair

Hi, I'm Adele,

I’m one of your lead Greens candidates for the seat of Ginninderra at the upcoming ACT Legislative Assembly election. 

Since 2014 I have called Scullin home, living here with my husband and dog. Born and raised in Western Sydney, I grew up in a single parent household where we lived in poverty for a decade, often relying on food parcels from charities. Through my childhood experience, I know the importance of a caring community and a public service that can provide crucial support when people are doing it tough.

I have been involved in the environment movement for over 25 years, and now, more than ever, I feel a deep sense of urgency about taking care of our environment and our plant. I co-founded Wombat Support & Rescue five years ago, and have been its Vice President ever since because I care deeply about protecting our native wildlife. I am proud to be one of the founders of the Scullin Community Group, formed to revitalise our suburbs' ageing shops and use people power to turn the shops back into a community hub.

When I moved to Belconnen in 2001, I didn’t expect to still be living here over two decades later. My love for our friendly community and our natural landscape has kept me in the area. But while our electorate grows, the community services needed for our community are falling behind. In the midst of a cost of living crisis, Belconnen is becoming increasingly unaffordable to rent and buy, and housing availability is not keeping up with our population growth. Belconnen deserves better.

In 2020 the Greens made history by electing 6 Greens to the Legislative Assembly, including in Ginninderra with my colleague Jo Clay MLA. In the last term, the ACT Greens have shown that pressure works to deliver change. But we need to go further and faster to tackle the climate and cost of living crises. It would be a privilege to be one of your Greens MLA for Ginninderra.