Harini Rangarajan


I was born in Chennai India, with my family splitting our time between there and Canberra until finally settling down in Rivett in 2018. Growing up in India I witnessed dire economic inequality and its consequences in the form of natural disasters and poverty. That drove me to protest against climate change and against predatory organisations desecrating indigenous customs in India, causes which I champion here in our city as well.

Murrumbidgee is my home, I’m deeply involved in my community at the Mawson Temple, and I went to Orana Steiner in Weston Creek for year 11 and 12. Right now I’m a finance student at the ANU. This electorate is home to mountain ranges and forests which house vast amounts of natural beauty. It also is diverse in its population with families from various walks of life and culture backgrounds settling here for the amenities it has to offer. 

I strongly believe that the climate crisis is the most pressing threat to our planet and our people at this moment. It is one that is fuelled by exploitation of the working class at the hands of the greedy elite. In addition, I see a gap in our lawmakers, that they don’t reflect young and diverse voices from the diverse cultural backgrounds that call Canberra home. That drove me to be involved in politics and now, to run as one of your Greens candidates in Murrumbidgee.  

The ACT Greens made history in 2020 by electing 6 MLAs, but there’s still so much more work to do. Join me and my campaign team this election to fight for a better, greener future for Murrumbidgee and Canberra.