Jo Clay

HI, I'm JO,

I’m your Greens MLA for Ginninderra, and I’m thrilled to be running for re-election in the 2024 ACT Legislative Assembly elections.

A lifelong Canberran, I live in Macquarie with my partner, daughter and two dogs. Raised in Weetangera, I studied at Weetangera Primary School and Radford College before graduating with Bachelors in Law and Creative Arts.

Ever since I was a child, the existential threat of climate change has seriously worried me. I had always assumed that by the time I was an adult the problem would have been fixed. But the threat of climate change continued to get worse. As an adult I have dedicated my life to being an environmental activist, being an active member of Stop Adani and Pedal Power, as well as assisting our next generation of climate activists in the School Strikers for Climate. But there was more for me to do. That is why in 2020 I decided to run as your Greens candidate for Ginninderra. 

I still see many of the same faces I grew up with in our electorate, but Belconnen has grown in population and become a culturally diverse community. I love our community’s pride of living in Belco. But the uncontrolled private development of Belconnen Town Centre continues and our community needs public services that will serve our growing population. Ginninderra needs more investment in safe, active transport, more frequent buses and a Light Rail line that will allow our community to sustainably thrive for generations to come.

Since 2020 I have been honoured to be your local voice advocating for improving our bus services and expanding our community services. My Greens colleagues and I have shown that pressure works. But we still have so much more to do. As your Greens candidate for Ginninderra in 2024 I will continue to advocate for our community to ensure we have the services that will give us a truly sustainable life and bring everyone along together. Join me and our movement as we fight to keep Ginninderra Green in 2024.