I am thrilled to be one of your support candidates for Murrumbidgee in this election. As a member of Generation Z, I am running because I am deeply motivated to minimise the impacts of the climate crisis and help shape a climate-resilient Canberra. I believe that to achieve this, we must reshape our society to prioritise people over corporations and the planet over profits. As a proudly out bisexual man, I am passionate about addressing the challenges faced by our community and working with the progressive movement to ensure all voices within the queer community are represented.

Since moving to Canberra in 2018, I have been actively involved with the Greens and was a candidate in the 2020 election. Having studied at ANU, I have spent the past two and a half years working in the circular economy industry, directly contributing to reducing methane emissions from waste. This experience has provided me with firsthand knowledge in areas such as circular economy, business, innovation, and agriculture. The suburbs of Murrumbidgee have already felt the real impacts of the climate crisis through devastating fires, and it is vital that we work together to build a climate-resilient community—whether in the older suburbs or the newer housing estates in the Molonglo Valley.

As one of your candidates for Murrumbidgee, I will be a voice for young people who want to see an end to the housing and climate crises and aspire to live in a Canberra where no one is left behind. Change is possible, but only if you vote for it.