Planning for people & planet

As Canberra’s population grows, the ACT Greens know we can and must develop a city that delivers a home for all: for people, for biodiversity, and for the cultural and natural heritage that tells the story of these lands.

Our planning system has let us down.

For too long, developers have been allowed to make a quick buck at our community’s expense. Poor quality developments that trample green space have given ‘urban density’ a bad name. Heritage, nature, and the genuine need to build more homes have been pitted against each other, but the Greens have been working to change that.

Along with thousands of our fellow Canberrans, the ACT Greens have contributed to the development of the new Territory Plan, which maps out the kind of development that’s allowed in each part of the ACT. We’ve been able to bring about substantial improvements to the Territory Plan, and we stand ready to drive even more impactful change.

The new system is all about making sure developments contribute positively to our community, delivering more shade and shelter as the climate heats up, more homes in central locations that are connected to transport and services, and more homes that are accessible for people with disability and range in size for different groupings of family or friends.

Photo of housing in Canberra

We need more homes in Canberra, and we can deliver them without pitting housing density against the environment or heritage. The new design expectations and Territory Plan aim to do just that and Greens in Government and the parliament will be working to ensure they deliver.

Find out more

Find out more about our goals to centre climate action and quality homes in our planning system.

Greens call for further zoning reform

The ACT Greens have resolved to campaign for substantial changes to zoning across Canberra as one way to address the escalating housing crisis.

Watch Jo Clay's speech in the Assembly

Where we build our homes and jobs directly impacts traffic congestion and climate emissions, these decisions matter and we must put them front of mind when designing our city.

Creative accounting by Labor?

Why is the ACT Government counting knock-down/rebuilds as increasing density in the suburbs?