Tax the big banks


Tell Labor to choose people over profit and make the big banks and corporations pay their fair share.

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It's time to make the big banks and profiteering corporations pay their fair share of tax.

We can create a society where everyone has what they need to live a good life. Where all Victorians can afford the essentials and plan for their future. And where our natural environment is protected.  

But right now, many people are struggling just to make ends meet, and our ecosystem is on the brink of collapse.

The Victorian Labor Government could choose to address these issues by making the big banks and profiteering corporations pay their fair share of tax, to help pay for the things people need.  

Instead they're planning to cut essential funding and sack thousands of public sector workers in the upcoming state budget.

While wages go backwards - with workers experiencing the biggest fall in wages on record - the cost of living continues to rise. 

At the same time the big banks and corporations are reaping massive profits. 

Australian companies have increased prices by $160 billion more than they needed to meet costs. And the big four banks are set to rake in record profits of more than $33 billion this financial year.

The evidence clearly shows that this huge increase in the cost of living is being driven by out-of-control corporate profits.

But rather than addressing the actual causes of the cost of living crisis, the government continues to prioritise corporate profits over supporting people and our planet.

It’s time for Labor to make a different choice. The Greens are calling for the government to make the big banks and profiteering corporations pay their fair share of tax.

Together we're powerful. Sign the petition to show the government that the community wants a budget that puts people and the planet first.