This October, vote [1] Greens for your local council


Greens on council make a difference for people and planet.

From the city to the hills and the ocean to the bush, our local communities should be thriving and caring places where everyone is included and our environment is protected.

Everyone should have access to safe, secure and affordable housing.

The climate crisis must be tackled head-on.

Arts and culture should thrive and people should be effectively represented.

But increasing polarisation and corporate interests are affecting our communities. Things are tough for so many of us. The cost of living is sky-high and people are struggling to get by. The housing crisis continues to affect our communities and the climate emergency is ever-present

This election, let’s put people and the environment first and do more for our communities and planet.

The Greens work hard to support a connected, creative and climate-friendly local community.

With dozens of sitting councillors, and over 120 candidates across Victoria, we have the team to make it happen.

Your vote is powerful.

This election uses postal voting only!
You'll receive your ballot in your letterbox by 15 October. Make sure to send it back by post 6pm, 25 October. Find out more from the VEC here.


Tackle the cost of living crisis

We need to put people before profit.

People are struggling to keep their head above water because the cost of everything is going up, and wages have flatlined. 

Local councils can ease the sky-high cost of living by providing quality services like maternity health, playgrounds, libraries and sporting facilities that help lower the financial burden on families.

The Greens will improve the standard of living for Victorians by supporting more affordable and energy-efficient housing, and cheaper energy, education and transport at the local level.

Our plan to ease the cost of living at the local level includes:

  • Bolstering funding for local welfare programs and services, including child-maternal healthcare, childcare and immunisations
  • Fund public spaces for public use like parks, playgrounds, sporting and recreational facilities, and libraries
  • Stopping the privatisation of council services, to keep public programs in public hands

Lead local climate action

The climate crisis is here.

Local councils are in a powerful and important position to lead local-level climate action. In the last council term, Greens councillors across the state successfully pushed for councils to be carbon-neutral by 2030 - proving that local pressure works.

We know councils have a huge role to play in tackling the climate crisis head on: from setting ambitious emissions reductions targets, challenging the use of fossil fuels in council infrastructure, and boosting wildlife and biodiversity. 

With Greens on Council, we can push to go further and faster on tackling the climate crisis.

Our plan to lead local responses to the climate crisis include:

  • Helping council source renewable energy
  • Greening our neighbourhoods to provide space for nature and mitigate against the heat island effect
  • Changing council fleets to electric vehicles
  • Bringing down your bills through solar bulk-buying
  • Working with the government to improve public transport, take cars off the road and reduce emissions
  • Improving and creating new green spaces while enhancing green canopies

Support genuinely affordable housing

Housing is a human right.

And the Greens believe in housing for all. 

Victoria is still in a housing crisis. Rents are rising four times faster than wages and whether you’re renting, buying or waiting for public housing, it’s getting harder and harder to find a secure, affordable home.

To tackle the housing crisis, we need to end the special treatment for big property developers. Councils play an important role in shaping our growing cities and regions, in ways that are sustainable, accessible and accompanied by the services and infrastructure our communities need.

The Greens will push for transparency of councillors with ties to property developers and other corporate interests. Greens on local council support building more public housing, and oppose the privatisation of public land for developer profit. The Greens will fight against hostile architecture, and invest in services and infrastructure to help end homelessness by 2030.

To fix the housing crisis, we need these bold housing reforms, not more of the same Victoria needs a housing system that puts people before profit. 

Greens on council have a plan to fix the housing crisis at the local level, including:

  • Pushing for human-scale developments that are sustainable, climate-appropriate and support our growing and diverse community
  • Pushing for property developers to build a minimum 30% public and genuinely affordable housing in new developments
  • Limit short stay accomodation to ensure renters and essential workers get a fair chance of living locally

Human-scale, sustainable developments

Support urban development that incorporates increased population density, particularly in areas where public transport is adequate.

Push for human-scale developments that are sustainable and climate-appropriate, and respect local heritage.

Public transport for the future

We need to make it easier for people to switch to cheaper and climate-friendly transport, like public transport, and bike riding and walking.

The Greens will work with other levels of government to increase services and ensure safer, more accessible public transport.

Safe bike riding and walking

Keep cyclists and pedestrians safe by pushing for more walkable communities, separated bike lanes, safer footpaths and pedestrian crossings.

Our streets are for everyone, and should work for everyone who uses them.


Build a thriving local community

Invest in the quality services that care for our communities health and wellbeing, while revitalising our vibrant high streets, supporting local arts and tourism, and creating world-class libraries.

The Greens will push to upgrade streetscapes, improve footpaths and increase public funding for events.


Grow active, green neighbourhoods

Keep our neighbourhoods green and liveable by creating and expanding our parks, building more safe bike lanes and footpaths.

Support local wildlife and biodiversity and cool our city by bolstering tree canopies. 

Revolutionise recycling

Invest in a circular economy and improve recycling.

Continue pushing for FOGO and composting and glass recycling, and reducing air pollution by opposing the building of waste incinerators to burn rubbish.


Thriving arts and culture

Art is fundamental to our society.

The Greens will back more public funding for art, artists and art organisations, and make sure we have more spaces for art in urban development decisions.

Our galleries, museums, festivals, theatres and music events are known around the world - let’s give them the boost they deserve.

Multiculturalism and cultural solidarity

Greens on council will tackle racism and far-right extremism in our communities, and stand up for values of equality, solidarity and justice. We will raise our voice to challenge governments and councils to support communities affected by ongoing violence around the world, including in Gaza. 

Embrace migrant communities by pushing for more community hubs, social cohesion initiatives and continue to support inclusive alternatives to 26 January ceremonies.

Champion local democracy

Build trusting relationships with the community so local democracy can thrive. Push back against undemocratic, single-member wards.

Support services for all parts of the community, and prioritise transparency and accountability on Council.

Together, we’re powerful.

With more Greens on council, we can ease the cost of living crisis, tackle the climate crisis, make housing affordable and build stronger, more inclusive and sustainable communities.