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Labor’s budget completely fails students on placement poverty and student debt

15 May, 2024 - Deputy Greens Leader and Higher Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to the Government’s budget, which was billed as havin...

Minns knife-jerk invites police harassment and discrimination

15 May, 2024 - The Premier has announced sweeping new powers allowing police to stop and search members of the public in ordinary and public daily settings with...

ALP and Coalition green light AUKUS nuclear waste dumps without public consultation

13 May, 2024 - Labor and the Coalition are seeking to pass legislation that can make anywhere in Australia a nuclear waste dumping ground with no public consult...

Greens celebrate big animal welfare win, with Government decision to legislate live sheep export ban

11 May, 2024 - Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, has welcomed the Government’s decision to ban live s...

Albanese must scrap their anti-refugee and travel ban Bill after high court case

10 May, 2024 - The Albanese Labor Government must now scrap their anti-refugee, travel ban Bill as the only supposed claim of ‘urgency’ has been removed followi...

Government demerge bill fails local communities

9 May, 2024 - The NSW Labor Government’s demerger legislation fails local communities across NSW who have campaigned for years to restore local democracy. Th...

Greens successfully safeguard fair trial by Jury in NSW

8 May, 2024 - The Greens have successfully stopped the Minns Labor Government from removing safeguards from jury laws that would have damaged the critical right...

New report reveals biodiversity no better off under Labor Government

8 May, 2024 - A new report released today has revealed that declining biodiversity and increasing extinctions has continued despite pre-election commitment...

Zero support for Labor’s attack on people seeking asylum and diaspora communities

7 May, 2024 - In a historic failure, the Albanese government has been unable to get a single stakeholder to support their shambolic Migration Amendment (Removal...

New data on firearm complaints and deaths as NSW Police applications fall

6 May, 2024 - New figures reveal that NSW Police firearms in the custody of off-duty police officers have been investigated 27 times since 2018 and that applica...

Top down planning failing and putting pressure on councils

6 May, 2024 - Data released by the State Government on its key housing policy, the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP)...

Labor’s student debt announcement a step forward, but provides no cost of living relief, say Greens

5 May, 2024 - Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to Labor’s announcement on changes to ...

Kobi Shetty MP Demands Labor Government Action on Disruptive Road Closures

3 May, 2024 - Transport for NSW have released plans for lengthy road closures and the removal of parking spaces in the Inner West areas of Rozelle and Lilyfield...

Unlawful logging by Forestry Corporation in nine State Forests

3 May, 2024 - 78% of pre-logging surveys by the NSW Forestry Corporation have been discovered to be non-compliant with their conditions, including in 27 active ...