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Berejiklian gives the green light for more police harassment

17 March, 2019 - The Berejiklian government is gifting the NSW police force more power to harass and intimidate marginalised communities in NSW on the eve of an...

Greens announce comprehensive 5-point First Nations Justice package

16 March, 2019 - The Greens NSW have today announced a comprehensive five-point plan for justice for First Nations people. The plan is about Treaties, de-inc...

Greens announce $200 million increase in funding for invasive species control

14 March, 2019 - Greens MP Cate Faehrmann today launched the Greens biosecurity plan (see attached) for the NSW election, saying that urgent reforms are needed ...

Greens plan to radically improve our homes

14 March, 2019 - Ahead of the State election, The Greens NSW have announced their Creating homes for everyone housing package to make homes accessible, safe, he...

The Greens stand in solidarity with striking school kids on climate

14 March, 2019 - The Greens NSW are proud to throw their support behind students taking part in tomorrow’s School Strike 4 Climate. “These are school student...

Greens announce plan for air quality monitors in pollution ‘hot spots’ on WestConnex route

13 March, 2019 - Jenny Leong MP for Newtown and Jamie Parker MP for Balmain have announced the Greens’ plan to address evidence of worsening air quality in Sydn...

Greens rebuke reckless proposal to shut down Barrack Street Campus

13 March, 2019 - Today Greens NSW lead upper house candidates David Shoebridge and Abigail Boyd joined the Greens candidate for Bega, Will Douglas to rebuke the...

Journalist manhandled by NSW Premier’s bodyguards for daring to ask questions about koalas

13 March, 2019 - An incident today saw a well respected journalist, who was doing his job attending a press conference with the Premier of NSW and Nationals lea...

Satellite imagery reveals damage from road tunneling far greater than government claims

13 March, 2019 - Satellite imagery revealed today by Otus Intelligence Group demonstrates that government claims about the impact of WestConnex on properties ar...

Teacher and Greens candidate stood down for telling students about climate action

13 March, 2019 - The Greens candidate for the seat of Bega, Will Douglas, who until this week has been working as a casual public school teacher, was told he wo...

The best start for kids detailed in new Greens Early Education plan

13 March, 2019 - The Greens have called for a radical rethink of preschool and early learning services announcing a policy that would start to bring preschool f...

Greens announce policy to double ICAC’s budget and reintroduce new laws for misconduct in public office

12 March, 2019 - The Greens NSW have today announced their action plan to tackle corruption involving public officials in NSW, pledging a doubling of the Indepe...

Greens call for investment and First Nations Co-Management of South Coast Forests

12 March, 2019 - The Greens are today launching a key part of their South Coast forests election package calling for a $4.8 million four year investment in an e...

Greens call for repeal and reform of Roadside Drug Testing

12 March, 2019 - NSW Greens MP and spokesperson on drug law reform Cate Faehrmann has today declared the current roadside drug testing regime in NSW has nothing...

Greens announce ambitious plan to protect nature in NSW

11 March, 2019 - The NSW Greens have today announced a comprehensive and ambitious plan (attached) to protect and enhance our natural environment for future gen...