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Statement in response to legal papers being served on The Greens NSW today

28 February, 2019 - Rochelle Flood, Co Convenor for The Greens NSW said: “These legal proceedings are a last-ditch attempt by two Greens members to derail the p...

Greens support all Safe State recommendations

27 February, 2019 - Today Greens NSW Womens’ spokesperson Abigail Boyd and Greens MP for Newtown Jenny Leong met with CEO of DVNSW Moo Baulch to discuss the Gre...

A smokescreen: Greens slam NSW Government’s waste announcement

27 February, 2019 - The NSW Government’s $1.5 million to establish a Circular Economy Innovation Network is nothing more than a smokescreen for the government’...

Greens announce coal community investment program as industry collapses

25 February, 2019 - The Greens NSW have today announced a $1.8 billion direct investment program to support communities transitioning away from coal, the Coal C...

Greens call for urgent new corruption laws in wake of possible retrial

25 February, 2019 - Greens anti-corruption spokesperson Jamie Parker MP calls for urgent new corruption laws in wake of court-ordered retrial. Jamie Parker M...

The Greens NSW call on the NSW Government to urgently act to protect the Koala

25 February, 2019 - The Greens have today called on the government to respond to the crisis affecting Koala numbers in the state by agreeing to create a ‘Great ...

Greens call for urgent Royal Commission into planning in NSW

24 February, 2019 - The Greens NSW have today called for a wide ranging Royal Commission into the planning system to deal with the sickness affecting planning i...

Premier’s Festival ‘Hit List’ should be used to trial pill testing - Greens

23 February, 2019 - The release of a list of 14 festivals which the NSW Premier has deemed as ‘high risk’ and subject to new festival licensing rules should be ...

Families in limbo: Minister fails to release Inner City High School catchment review

20 February, 2019 - Families living around Redfern and Darlington have been left in limbo, after the Education Minister announced a review of the catchment for ...

Greens call for NSW to put a price on carbon to reach net zero emissions by 2040

19 February, 2019 - The Greens NSW have today announced a policy to introduce a state-based price on carbon to reach net zero emissions by 2040, saying tha...

Greens MP calls for halt to over-development in Byron Shire

18 February, 2019 - Greens Member for Ballina Tamara Smith is calling for a 12-24 month halt on all new planning proposals for major developments as well as a p...

PowerNSW: Greens announce ambitious statewide energy plan to rewire the future

18 February, 2019 - The Greens have announced their ambitious plan for a publicly-owned 100% renewable energy supplier and retailer, PowerNSW, and the creation ...

Greens MP fined at logging protest protecting koalas

13 February, 2019 - Greens NSW MP, Dawn Walker has been fined for protesting a logging operation that has been caught-out destroying koala habitat in Gibberagee...

NSW Liberals Talk Big But Deliver Nothing on Homelessness

13 February, 2019 - Greens NSW Housing and Homelessness spokesperson Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown has responded to the Liberal's homelessness announcement...

NSW Greens launch plan for 1 million households to have solar in four years

12 February, 2019 -  The NSW Greens have today launched a $1.25 billion comprehensive plan to ensure at least one million extra households in NSW can eithe...