Victorian donation disclosures

Thank-you for your support

Please note the following information about contributions to the Australian Greens Victoria:

  1. Up to $1,500 of membership fees and donations from an individual in a financial year are tax deductible.
    See link to ATO resources here
  2. Donations from an individual that total $1,000 or more in a financial year will be publicly disclosed (you can find our list of donors for past financial years here).
  3. Donations for Commonwealth or Local Government electoral purposes are not capped, however total contributions for all other purposes over the four year period between Victorian State elections are subject to a cap of $4,850.
  4. Donors must provide a return to the Victorian Electoral Commission within 21 days of making the deposit, if their total contributions in the relevant financial year (excluding all for a Commonwealth or Local Government electoral purpose) exceed $1,210.
  5. Donors must provide a return to the Australian Electoral Commission within 20 weeks of the end of a financial year, if their total donations in that financial year for any purpose exceed $16,900.
  6. Donations or gifts for a local government campaign that total $500 or more will be declared by the candidate to the CEO of their respective Council within 40 days of election day, and this declaration will be published on the relevant Council website.

The information provided above is general in nature and does not constitute legal or financial advice. We believe that it was accurate as at 1 July 2024. If you are unsure about your personal tax or donation disclosure obligations please seek advice from a suitably qualified professional.

Do you have questions about donating to the Australian Greens Victoria?
03 9912 2994 |