Our branches are part of the Greens grassroots approach to democracy
Joining the Greens Party means having access to a local Greens branch. Based on local government areas, these hubs are vital avenues for our members to talk about politics and policy, join local campaigning, keep up to date with local issues and have direct access to Greens representatives.
Most of all, local Greens branches are a way for our members to join like-minded people, fellow Victorians who are also passionate about progressive Australian politics. Greens members are extraordinary people and by providing them with the space to foster proactive political and social change, the Greens aim to instil a long legacy of making a difference in the community.
All Victorian Greens members are automatically members of the Australian Greens. Being a part of our growing party means together, through the principles and aims of the Greens, we can stand up for what matters.
About Geelong Greens
The Branch meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month. You can contact the Geelong Greens via email geelongbranch@vic.greens.org.au.