Our branches are part of the Greens grassroots approach to democracy
Joining the Greens Party means having access to a local Greens branch. Based on local government areas, these hubs are vital avenues for our members to talk about politics and policy, join local campaigning, keep up to date with local issues and have direct access to Greens representatives.
Most of all, local Greens branches are a way for our members to join like-minded people, fellow Victorians who are also passionate about progressive Australian politics. Greens members are extraordinary people, and by providing them with the space to foster proactive political and social change, the Greens aim to instil a long legacy of making a difference in the community.
All Victorian Greens members are automatically members of the Australian Greens. Being a part of our growing party means together, through the principles and aims of the Greens, we can stand up for what matters.
![Interactive map showing the areas that the Stonnington branch covers.](/sites/default/files/inline-images/image-vic-stonnington-map.gif)
About Stonnington Branch
The City of Stonnington was formed on 22 June 1994, by the amalgamation of the cities of Malvern and Prahran. The first election for the City of Stonnington was held on 16 March 1996, followed by the first meeting of the Council on 19 March 1996.
The municipal boundaries of Stonnington are the Yarra River, Gardiners Creek, Warrigal Road, Dandenong Road, Queens Way and Punt Road. The municipality encompasses the suburbs of Armadale, Kooyong, Malvern, Malvern East, Toorak, Prahran, Windsor and parts of Glen Iris and South Yarra. Stonnington is a diverse area of inner Melbourne, comprising the established suburbs of Toorak and Malvern, but also areas with a high proportion of apartments and the public housing such as Prahran, Windsor and South Yarra. Urban densification is in progress in other areas, including the leafy suburb of Armadale.
Stonnington diversity is also demonstrated by the presence of people from many backgrounds and walks of life who live and work in the area.
At the state level, the Stonnington Greens are focused on the Prahran electoral district, where Sam Hibbins was elected in 2014 as the first Green Party member in the State Legislative Assembly; he is now one of only two Greens in the lower house of the Victorian Parliament, alongside Ellen Sandell, the member for Melbourne. At the federal level, our recent success in the electorate of Higgins means that it is now considered a marginal seat and one that is winnable for the Greens at the next election.
Our People
First things first: thank you for your interest in the Stonnington Greens. Our branch normally varies from around 120-150 people, with numbers trending upwards faster at the time of looming elections; the long-term trend is growth.
The Stonnington Green members are diverse people of all ages, many nationalities and different walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds with a wide spectrum of knowledge, skills and interests. From students, low income, the well-off and retirees, Stonnington Greens assemble a diverse range of members and volunteers.
What unites us and brings us together are our values. Primarily, it is the belief that a democracy and a just society don't just happen. They need nurturing and constant attention and engagement of interested and active citizens.
We share concerns over political donations, climate change, the welfare of asylum seekers, Australia's efforts to secure a sustainable future, the crucial role of good quality and accessible education for a successful society, and how we care for the frail, old and disadvantaged.
Stonnington Branch advocates for change in the political culture through promoting equality, celebrating diversity and providing a progressive voice. Through our community forums, we support important community issues like transport, environment, housing and reform of drug law. For example, Stonnington Greens have successfully campaigned for the new Prahran High School, in the area where existing secondary schools were either private or had selective entry.
We hold monthly branch meetings, fundraising social events, and advocacy campaigns with plenty of chances for members, supporters and volunteers to get involved. Join us at our monthly meetings on the second Tuesday at 6.30pm. The location of our meetings changes so contact us to find out where the next meeting will be held.
You can contact the Stonnington Greens via email convenor.stonningtonbranch@vic.greens.org.au.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our vibrant branch!