Sign the Open Letter: Raise the Age in Victoria

Sign the Open Letter to the Premier

Yes, I'll add my name in support of raising the age of criminal responsibility in Victoria to 14.

Children should be supported to learn and grow – not locked up behind bars. 

UPDATE: Over 4,300 people have signed! Can you add your name?

The Labor Government has just introduced its Youth Justice Bill to the Victorian Parliament. This Bill is an opportunity to tackle systemic racism in our justice system and create a better future for children.

But instead, Labor has fallen short. First Nations, medical and human rights experts have all said the minimum age of criminal responsibility must be raised to 14 as a bare minimum – and Labor has not done this. 

That's why we need your help. We've also launched an open letter to the Premier to show community support for raising the age to 14, with no exceptions.

Will you add your name to our open letter to show your support? 


Parliament of Victoria Crest

Open letter to the Premier of Victoria
CC: Attorney General of Victoria
CC: Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Corrections
CC: Minister for Treaty and First Peoples


Dear Premier,

Re: Support Greens amendments to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 in Victoria

The Youth Justice Bill 2024 just introduced into the Victorian Parliament proposes to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 years old.

You have said you have introduced the bill because 10 and 11 year old children belong in schools, not prisons.

The Victorian Greens are writing to ask you to support our amendments to the bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years old.     

Because 12 and 13 year old children ALSO belong in schools and not prisons.

A 12 year old child is still in primary school.

Medical experts tell us that these young children are still developing, and early contact with the police and criminal justice system has profound life-long consequences to their future wellbeing, including contributing to their early death.

Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 would still leave Victoria significantly out of step with international medical and human rights standards – the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on countries to raise the age to at least 14 years old as an absolute minimum.

Worse, across Australia, 65% of children in prison are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, exposing the systemic racism in our criminal justice system which contributes to their over-incarceration as adults and deaths in custody.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission was clear and unequivocal in recommending that the Victorian Government raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14.

In fact First Nations organisations, medical and legal experts, and human rights organisations across Australia all agree on this.

There are no longer any credible reasons for failing to act. We are calling on you to give our children a fair chance by supporting the Victorian Greens amendments to raise the age in Victoria to 14.

Ellen Sandell MP, Leader of the Victorian Greens
Dr Tim Read MP
Dr Samantha Ratnam MP
Sam Hibbins MP
Gabrielle De Vietri MP
Aiv Puglielli MP
Katherine Copsey MP
Dr Sarah Mansfield MP