First, we striked for the climate. Now our MPs need to feel the heat.
The reality is that Victorian Labor and Liberal MPs aren’t doing enough when it comes to climate change.
The Victorian Government continues to open up new gas and coal projects around our state, and will only commit to 50% renewable energy targets.
Now is the time to demand urgent action from your MP.
The science shows us this isn’t enough to tackle climate change - we need 100% renewable energy and no new coal or gas.
We’ve put together a lobbying pack which includes everything you need to meet with your local MP and ask for stronger climate action. Join hundreds of Victorians who are meeting their MPs around the state.
Lobbying your MP: a step-by-step guide
Step 1: Calling
Calling your local MP's office and requesting a meeting in person will have the most impact.
Step 2: Preparing
Prepare for the meeting so you feel confident. It's really helpful to make some notes for yourself.
Step 3: Reporting
Tell us how it went! We’d love to hear from you.
How did you find the experience, do you have any further questions or insights?
You can report back to us
1. Calling your local MP's office
Calling your local MP's office and requesting a meeting in person will have the most impact. Here’s a suggestion for what to say on the phone:
Hello, my name is <NAME>. I am a local resident. I live in <SUBURB>. I’m calling because I want to meet with <MP NAME> about climate change. I was so inspired by the school strike for climate and now I’d like to talk with <NAME> about the climate action I’d like to see from my MP in parliament.
2. Prepare for the meeting
Prepare for the meeting so you feel confident. It's really helpful to make some notes for yourself. Don't worry – we've prepared a fact sheet that covers:
• How to start the conversation
• What the problem is
• What you want from your MP
• How to finish up
Remember: it's important to just be yourself, and talk about what is most important to you.
3. Tell us how it went!
We’d love to hear from you. How did you find the experience, do you have any further questions or insights? Your feedback means we can make sure we are supporting you in the best possible way.
You can report back to us in a few different ways:
• Call us: (03) 9328 4637
• Email us:
• Share on social media: tag Ellen Sandell MP and The Victorian Greens
What if your MP declines to meet, or you're unable to call them?
Email your MP
Follow up your phone call with an email to your local MP requesting a meeting and/or telling them that you want more action on climate change.
We've created an easy tool for you to use that has all the information you need. You can also download the fact sheet and use that to guide your communication.
It’s always worth having a conversation with whoever answers the phone. Ask them to pass on your comments to your MP. Here are some tips on what you could tell them:
- I was very inspired by the student climate strike, I’m concerned both the Labor and Liberal parties aren’t doing enough to protect young people’s future.
- I know the Victorian Labor Government is committed to 50% renewable energy by 2030, but I’m very concerned that they're also opening up large parts of our state to gas drilling, are extending licenses for our dirtiest coal plants, and continue to support logging of our native forests.
- I’d like to see all parties in the Victorian Parliament commit to:
– Support a Greens amendment for 100% Renewable Energy by 2030 when parliament debates the renewable energy Bill in October.
– Phase out coal: Provide long-term funding for the Latrobe Valley Authority to deliver a planned transition out of coal by 2030, starting with replacing Yallourn, Australia’s dirtiest power station.
– Stop all new gas developments in Victoria: including the planned gas import ship at Westernport Bay and new gas drilling along Victoria’s coast.
– Establish an Upper House extinction inquiry: to develop extinction solutions that will save threatened creatures and protect our planet for future generations.