Criminalising Victorians unable to pay COVID fines risks state's public health response


The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Government is risking our state’s public health response by criminalising disadvantaged groups who aren’t able to pay their COVID-related fines.

According to PAEC, the number of COVID-19 fines per capita in the most disadvantaged suburbs was double that of better off suburbs.

The Greens are repeatedly hearing from community lawyers supporting vulnerable clients, often with limited English, or mental health problems or other forms of disadvantage, facing fines that are often worth five weeks of their Jobseeker income.

When Fines Victoria has waived some fines, police have then contested this in court.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens spokesperson for health and justice, Dr Tim Read:

“We need everyone joining the fight against this virus and we won't get communities with low incomes joining in if they’re worried they’ll get a fine they can’t pay.

“Fines are too high and were policed more in low-income suburbs. It is counter-productive for the Victorian Government to risk the public health response by criminalising people who can’t pay a fine.

“Governments have struggled to communicate health directions in languages other than English, so it seems unfair to penalise those community members for not complying.

“Fines need to be realistic and proportionate to be effective. We should reduce COVID fines for people on low incomes or with disadvantage.”