Greens call on Premier Andrews to extend protections for renters


The Victorian Greens have called on the Andrews Government to extend protections in place for Victorian renters that are currently due to expire at the end of September.

These protections include a ban on evictions and rent increases, and were announced back in April during the state’s first lockdown.

In light of the current stage four lockdown and the imminent loss of another 250,000 jobs it is clear that the September expiration date no longer works and must be extended.

The government must also extend the availability of its $2,000 rent relief payments and provide further financial assistance as needed for tenants.

Victorian Greens acting spokesperson for housing, Sam Hibbins, said that there would soon be many out-of-work tenants in desperate need of financial support and a guarantee they won’t face eviction.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens acting spokesperson for housing, Sam Hibbins MP:

“The COVID-19 crisis cannot result in a homelessness crisis with renters being thrown onto the street.

“A quarter of a million Victorians are set to lose their jobs in the coming days and for those who are renting this could be disastrous unless the government extends its eviction ban and financial support well beyond September.

“Those protections were put into place back in April when we all hoped the COVID-19 crisis would have eased up by now, but we’re currently in a stage four lockdown and so these timelines must be extended.”