Labor capitulating on youth justice won't make the community safer


The Victorian Greens have warned Labor that evidence-based solutions are needed to prevent crime and stop the criminalisation of children. 

It comes as the Victorian Labor Government held an ‘emergency meeting’ yesterday to discuss the issue of youth crime. 

The Victorian Greens have raised concerns over Labor’s decision to shackle children in ankle bracelets and wind back funding for programs which prevent crime and keep kids out of the justice system, such as The Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS).

Greens spokesperson for Justice, Katherine Copsey, warned Labor not to cave to knee-jerk law and order responses that will increase children's interactions with the criminal justice system. 

She said decisions should be based on evidence and divert children away from criminal justice to stop them from being criminalised in the first place. 

Quotes attributable to Greens spokesperson for Justice, Katherine Copsey: 

“In trying to look tough on crime, the Premier is revealing how weak Victorian Labor has become. 

“It’s time for the Government to listen to the experts and introduce measures that will address the causes of offending and make the community safer, not just rush to shackle children in ankle bracelets or send them to prison.

“Labor must not cave with  knee-jerk law and order responses. hey need to listen to the evidence to support children and invest in community programs to prevent crime and keep children from being criminalised in the first place.”