1 August - all horses' birthday is time to remember the continuing toll of jumps racing in Victoria: Greens


Today on all horses birthday, we should remember that it is not a happy day for the 62 horses killed in jumps racing events in Victoria in the last ten years, Victorian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson, Sue Pennicuik MLC said today.
"Jumps racing has long been banned in most of Australia, but inexplicably, is still allowed in Victoria and South Australia despite the continuing death toll.
"Animal welfare groups such as the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses, RSPCA, Animals Australia, Animal Liberation, the Humane Society International and others all oppose jumps racing as do the majority of Victorians.
"Horses aren't designed for jumping over hurdles and steeples at speed and over long distances and the injuries they suffer are horrific. Despite numerous reviews and promises to clean up jumps racing, horses continue to die and suffer terrible injuries in jumps events and trials.
"Racing Victoria's so-called safety measures are not working, horses are still being killed. This year Bring Back was euthanased after fracturing his shoulder in a heavy fall over a jump at Warrnambool, Wee Frankie fell and broke his neck at Casterton and Just Junior was euthanased after an irreparable leg fracture at Cranbourne Racecourse.
“It should not be left up to Racing Victoria to decide whether Jumps racing continues. The Andrews government should put animal welfare first and put an end to jumps racing in Victoria.
"Jumps racing cannot be made safe. The time for excuses is over. It should be banned once and for all," Ms Pennicuik said.

For further comment: Sue Pennicuik – 03 9530 8399