7-Eleven must reveal how they will pay employees owed wages after closure of Fels Panel: Bandt


Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has said that reports that 7-Eleven has closed down the Fels Wage Fairness Panel are deeply concerning and called on 7-Eleven to immediately reveal how they will ensure exploited workers are paid what they deserve. Mr Bandt also welcomed Professor Allan Fels' call for 7-Eleven head office to bear a significant part of the legal responsibility for the underpayment of the workers, saying this will build pressure on Labor and the Liberals to support Mr Bandt's Private Members Bill to make head offices legally responsible for the conditions and pay of their franchisees' employees.
"I'm deeply concerned by reports that 7-Eleven has closed down the Fels Wage Fairness Panel," Mr Bandt said.
"By closing down the panel before it completes its work, it appears as if the only reason 7-Eleven management created the panel was to hose down public outrage for their rampant exploitation of workers."

"Professor Fels has said that he believes 7-Eleven should bear a significant part of the legal responsibility for their underpayments. This builds pressure on Labor and the Liberals to get behind my bill to make head offices legally responsible for the conditions and payment of people employed by their franchisees."
"News of the panel’s closure is devastating for thousands of people who have been exploited by 7-Eleven across the country."
"With the panel saying they believe the majority of 20,000 people employed by 7-Eleven in the last decade are owed about half of their wages for the hours they've worked, it is vital that 7-Eleven immediately state how they will ensure these workers are paid what they deserve."
Mr Bandt introduced The Fair Work Amendment (Recovery of Unpaid Amounts for Franchisee Employees) Bill 2015 to prevent future 7-Eleven style worker exploitation following revelations of the 7-Eleven scandal last year.
Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054