Any new Coalition agreement must be made public: Greens


Following Barnaby Joyce's resignation as Nationals Leader, Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale has called for any new agreement between the Liberals and the Nationals to be made public. 

"Barnaby Joyce has finally done what he should have done weeks ago and resigned as Leader of the Nationals," Senator Di Natale said. 

"Instead of resigning when serious allegations of wrongdoing were made public weeks ago, he's acted in his own self interest in an attempt to cling onto power.

"But questions about the solicitation of gifts and breaches of the ministerial code remain. We need a national anti-corruption watchdog that has the power to investigate these kind of incidents.

"The previous Coalition agreement made a mess of our national water and energy policy and prevented the Parliament from voting on marriage equality without first holding a wasteful and divisive public vote.

"Who knows how else the Nationals are holding Malcolm Turnbull and the Australian people hostage through this secret backroom agreement?

"Any new Coalition agreement between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and whomever is elected as the new Nationals Leader must be made public.”

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