Australian Greens launch LGBTIQ policy package on IDAHOBIT


The Australian Greens will commit to $32 million full roll out of the Safe Schools program, removal of religious exemptions to federal anti-discrimination law and work to get PrEP listed on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme under a raft of measures included in the Greens' LGBTIQ policy, released today by sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms and gender identity & intersex spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
"We are proud to announce a full suite of policy positions on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. These policies aim to improve inclusiveness, promote awareness and stamp out sexuality and gender identity-based discrimination.
"Under current anti-discrimination laws, a gay man can be fired from working at a private school and a transgender person can be turned away from a religious homeless shelter. We shouldn't be giving religious organisations a get-out-of-jail-free card and the right to discriminate," Senator Robert Simms said.
"Allowing a right to discriminate undermines the effectiveness of these kinds of laws. These exemptions can ruin someone's life."

The Greens would also commit to HIV prevention medication PrEP becoming available on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme.
"The next step is for the Federal Government to list it under the PBS. Once this occurs we will see this drug being made accessible and affordable for Australians in high risk groups."The $32 million commitment over the next four years for the Safe Schools program is part of a set of the Greens' broad-ranging policies that take action to reduce discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people and their families.
"When our community embraces diversity and celebrates difference, all of us benefit," Senator Janet Rice said.
"The PM's Safe Schools and marriage equality cave-in to the dinosaurs on his backbench has been so disappointing.
"IDAHOBIT Day is a time for us to take action to reduce discrimination against LGBTIQ people and their families, and our clear policy stance does exactly that.
"The Greens always have, and always will, stand with our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities."