Australian Greens pledge to implement Paris Agreement


The Australian Greens have joined with over 90 Greens parties around the world in committing to implement the Paris Agreement, reached at the UN climate summit, to stabilise global warming at 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
"In signing the Paris Agreement today, countries around the world are committing to a shared vision for a safe climate that's capable of supporting our health, our environment and our economies. Now we need politicians who'll actually deliver it," said Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale.
"As it stands, Australia's domestic legislation will fail to give practical effect to the Paris Agreement. The Greens will be working harder than ever to fix that, fast.
"In Australia we have the Liberal, National and Labor parties that have, in the past year, cut our renewable energy target, approved huge new coal mines, supported fossil fuel subsidies, taken donations from fossil fuel companies, and set pollution-reduction targets well below what the science says is necessary.
"Every Australian has an opportunity to demand better at this election and support those with the courage to implement the Paris Agreement in these critical years," Senator Di Natale said.
Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson Queensland Senator Larissa Waters said scientists have just found that 93 per cent of the Great Barrier Reef has suffered coral bleaching.
"The Great Barrier Reef's dire situation must serve as an urgent wake up call for Australia's Liberal and Labor parties and for governments around the world: we must quit our addiction to coal.
"Australia has enviable potential to be a global leader in clean energy but we are being held back by the Liberal and Labor parties' obsession with propping up dying fossil fuel industries, who in return provide them with generous political donations.
"The Australian Greens have developed a transition plan to achieve 90 per cent renewable energy that will create thousands of new jobs and includes training and jobs for coal workers who are already losing their livelihoods as the world moves away from fossil fuels.
"We Greens will do all we can to make sure global warming is front and centre in Australia's upcoming federal election, which falls at a tipping point in the timeline to tackling global warming," Senator Waters said.
The Australian Greens have undertaken to:

  • Transform our energy system by building at least 90% clean energy by 2030 and phase out dirty fossil fuel power stations with a $1 billion Clean Energy Transition Fund overseen by a new government agency, RenewAustralia. 
  • Place an immediate ban on new coal and gas, ban fracking and urgently secure jobs in rehabilitation for mining workers who are losing their jobs. Read our After Coal plan here.
  • End fossil fuel subsidies to big mining companies, saving $21 billion. PBO costing here. 
  • Rapidly reduce Australia's climate pollution, with a 60-80% cut on 2000 levels by 2030, and net zero by 2040.

Click here to read the Global Greens statement on the occasion of the signing of the Paris Agreement.