Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future


Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future
The Greens say the prospect of Belgian automotive company Punch International buying GM Holden’s South Australia plant is an opportunity to transform the industry to electric and hybrid vehicles.
“We welcome news that there may be an investor willing to continue car manufacturing at the Holden plant in Elizabeth. Right now we need to see the details about what is involved so the workers can have some clarity over their futures,” said South Australian Senator Robert Simms.
“The future of cars is electric, so let's make sure any government support encourages the manufacturing of hybrid and electric vehicles,” said the Australian Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“We welcome Minister Pyne's enthusiasm to continue the Automotive Transformation Scheme, but it must be used to create a sustainable industry.
“We shouldn't need to limit any support from the Automotive Transformation Scheme to a company producing 30,000 vehicles, as the Minister seems set on.”
The Greens have emphasised that the Automotive Transformation Scheme will be a much better investment if it focuses on the future market of vehicle manufacturing.
“The Holden Plant once employed over 4,500 South Australians with thousands more working in the components industry, less than a third of employees remain at the Elizabeth plant today,” said Senator Simms.
“By becoming world leaders in the green car industry we could once again be a hub for the car manufacturing industry. The Automotive Transformation Scheme is about ensuring sustainability in the industry and investing in green cars will provide a greater opportunity of job security for South Australians.
“This is where the market is going and it would be a wasted opportunity to do otherwise,” concluded Senator Simms.
Media contacts
Senator Rice: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935
Senator Simms: Cam Klose 0417 173 508