Ballarat duplication a step in the right direction


The Greens have welcomed the commitment to duplicate the Ballarat Rail Line in the 2016-17 Victorian Budget, saying it will deliver better services for residents between Sunshine and Melton.

“The people of Melton, Deer Park, Caroline Springs, Rockbank, Bacchus Marsh and Ballarat will all benefit from the duplication, as more trains will be able to run on the line without delay,” said Western Suburbs Greens MP, Colleen Hartland.

“I have campaigned for duplication of the Melton rail line for years, so I am very pleased to see this finally happen.

“We all know how overcrowded the trains have become. This investment is desperately needed to improve the service.

“Duplication is an important step forward. But we also need the electrification done so the line between Melton and Sunshine can become part of the metro system, with proper regular services,” said Ms Hartland.