Barnaby must scrap APVMA move


The Greens have called on the federal government to scrap the proposal to move the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, after a new report showed that less than 10% of current scientists are expected to stay.
“Minister Barnaby Joyce has failed to consult with staff, stakeholders and the community,” said the Australian Greens Agriculture spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“The decision to uproot the lives of APVMA staff and their families to the Member for New England’s own electorate is nothing short of pork barrelling, but he can’t even get that right.
“These scientists are highly trained, and we’re going to lose years of experience because the Deputy Prime Minister promised more than he could deliver.”
The report (attached) also outlines that shifting the authority will fail to deliver the jobs promised, instead relying on a ‘virtual network’ of scientists.
“The delays outlined in the report show just how ill-thought out this plan really is,” said Senator Rice.
“The government must abandon plans to move the APVMA and give our scientists certainty.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

Media ReleaseAgriculture and Rural Affairs