Budget fails people outside the major cities


Budget fails people outside the major cities
Malcolm Turnbull’s first budget has let down regional and rural Victorians, say the Greens.
“This Budget ignores the regional and rural Victorians who are doing it tough,” said Victorian Greens Senator Janet Rice.
“Just like Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull is taking the axe to the young, the old and the sick while handing out tax cut election bribes to high income earners and business.
“Mental health services across regional Victoria are desperate for more funding but this budget leaves them high and dry.
“When the country is copping the brunt of a changing climate, the Budget does not once mention global warming.
“The government has ripped more than a billion dollars out of clean energy, trashing the job opportunities available with our abundant opportunities from the wind and sun.
“The announced investment in infrastructure turns out to be a case of smoke and mirrors, rehashing Tony Abbott’s penchant for city tolls roads. It gives a fraction of the funding needed to make the Inland Rail a reality.
“We know the challenges facing young people in regional Victoria. The government says it wants to help young people get jobs, yet it still plans to rip 20% of public investment out of our universities, instead only offering an underpaid internship program,” said Senator Rice.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935