Coal and Coral


The attempt to block the leader of the Australian Greens, Dr Richard Di Natale, from demonstrating the damage being done to the Great Barrier Reef by coal-driven emissions shows the hypocrisy in the Australian Parliament.

“Apparently it’s acceptable for the Treasurer to hand out a lump of coal on the floor of the House but not for me to draw the connection between dirty, polluting coal and the death of one of our greatest natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef,

“Emissions from coal are killing the reef but this Government would rather prop up their cronies in the energy sector with subsidies to build new coal-fired power stations than address the real damage being done.

“The Australian people should be able to enjoy the Great Barrier Reef for generations to come. But for that to happen, we all have to stand together to save our shared natural wonders.”

Media Release Climate Change