Communities standing up to attacks on forests


Communities standing up to attacks on forests
2016 has begun with battles to protect some of south east Australia’s most precious forests, with the Greens throwing their support behind protesters in Victoria and Tasmania.
“The people on the ground are sending a strong message to Canberra, Spring Street and Hobart that these forests are worth much more standing than destroyed for woodchips,” said the Australian Green spokesperson for forests Senator Janet Rice, who recently undertook a forest tour of Tasmania, including Lapoinya.
“More decision makers need to get out of their parliamentary bubble and see the impact of logging firsthand.
“The lush East Gippsland forests of Kuark and Hensleigh Creek are vital for clean air and water, for tourism and recreation, and as homes for animals including endangered long-footed potoroos, gliders and the critically endangered galaxia fish.
“In Tasmania, the people of Lapoinya have every right to be angry about the clearfelling of their amazing forest,” said Senator Rice.
"“In Tasmania, the people of Lapoinya have every right to be angry about the clearfelling of their amazing forest, and the killing of animals that live in it including Tasmanian Devils."
The Greens are working with communities to protect native forests across all levels of government.
“The government’s own biologists say there should be a buffer zone created to protect these native animals, but they are being deliberately flouted by VicForests and supported by the Victorian government,” said Samantha Dunn, Greens Spokesperson for forests in Victoria.
“The completely absurd part is that this destruction is being subsidised by the taxpayer, with East Gippsland logging running at a loss of $5.5million a year. It is costing us on every front.
“Daniel Andrews needs to step in and stop this logging now.
“The Greens will always stand with the people in these communities to protect our vital forests,” concluded Ms Dunn.
Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935