CSIRO boss’ reprieve is chance for him to change direction: Bandt


Greens Science, Research and Innovation spokesperson Adam Bandt today said the reappointment of CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall is a chance for him to change direction.
Mr Bandt said the CSIRO CEO needs to listen to CSIRO staff, establish trust with the public and most importantly be willing to stand up to the government after what has been a disastrous year for the organisation.
The CSIRO has extended Larry Marshall’s contract as CEO until 2020.

“Larry Marshall has been given a second chance and now he needs to change direction. Dr Marshall must listen to staff and re-establish the Australian public’s confidence in CSIRO’s management.”
“CSIRO must prioritise climate change, the number one scientific challenge for the nation, instead of cutting climate science jobs.”
“Dr Marshall also needs to embrace CSIRO’s independence and be willing to stand up to the government and politicians when they cut funding for science and innovation. The government’s $1 billion cut to ARENA’s renewables innovation, for example, will have a big impact on the CSIRO’s research. He should be going in to bat for it.”
“CSIRO is not a Silicon Valley start-up. I hope Dr Marshall understands that now.”
Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054