Dan Delivers Leadbeater Deaths


On Monday the State Government quietly published its latest Timber Release Plan, which lists areas of native forest slated for clear-felling by the government’s logging enterprise, VicForests. 

Greens spokesperson for forests, Samantha Dunn MLC, said “the Government’s plan is a death warrant for the Leadbeater’s possum, which is already listed as Critically Endangered.”

“If implemented, this plan will drive Victoria’s Faunal Emblem to extinction.”

“The Government’s plan makes it clear that the Forest Industry Taskforce, setup by the Premier to bring together stakeholders from industry, unions and conservationists, has been contorted into a delaying tactic. There’s been no concessions around clear-felling high conservation value forest and we’re no closer to seeing the creation of the Great Forest National Park.”

“The Premier needs to get serious in transitioning the industry from clear-felling native forests to sustainable timber plantations to provide job security to timber workers.”