Don't punish doctors for voluntary euthanasia: Greens


Australian Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale has restated his party's intention to introduce laws to enable dying with dignity, in light of the police investigation into a Perth GP.
"Around Australia people overwhelmingly support the right of terminally ill people to end their lives on their own terms, and the law should reflect that," said Senator Di Natale, himself a former GP.
"During the federal election the Greens committed to reintroducing legislation to make sure terminally ill people experiencing intolerable pain, suffering or distress can, at the time of their choosing, receive assistance from a medical practitioner to end their life.
"WA Premier Colin Barnett is wrong to say that laws on this issue are not needed or workable. The Greens have shown leadership on this issue in parliaments across Australia for many years.
"The federal legislation will incorporate feedback from an inquiry that received over 700 submission during the last term of parliament, and the other parties should commit to a free vote before the next election.
"Dying with Dignity is about giving the ultimate choice to people who are dying, who deserve whatever control they can exercise over their suffering when they are nearing the end of their lives."
Read the Greens' plan to legalise access to voluntary euthanasia and restore the right of the Territories to legislate on this issue.