Duck hunting 2018: Victorian Game Management Authority slammed


VICTORIA’S duck season will go ahead, despite a damning report into the game regulator’s handling of the season last year.

The report by Pegasus Economics, commissioned by the Game Management Authority, reportedly found “noncompliance with hunting is commonplace and widespread”.

The report is yet to be made public, but conservation groups have used it to call for an end to duck hunting.

The Victorian Greens says the GMA must be shut down and the duck season cancelled.

“This report confirms what the Greens and others have been saying for years, that the major flaw in duck shooting regulations is their complete lack of enforcement,” Greens MP Sue Pennicuik said.

“The review found the GMA has been completely ineffective at enforcing duck shooting rules, and is fixated on prosecuting duck rescuers rather than rule-breaking shooters.”

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