Ecological Thinning Opens Door to Logging in NSW National Parks


Ecological Thinning Opens Door to Logging in NSW National Parks
The Greens have called on the NSW government to abandon plans of ‘ecological thinning’ in the Murray Valley National Park following federal approval of the trial.
Greens NSW MP and Environment Spokesperson Dr Faruqi said:
“This so called ecological thinning trial is the thin edge of the wedge and will open the door to logging in National Parks. The NSW Government has absolutely no credibility on any environmental issues.
“The Victorian Government has virtually admitted that this whole trial was not appropriate so now is time for the NSW Government to come clean and cancel its plans to let loggers into parks under the guise of ecology.
“The NSW Government needs to cancel this thinly veiled excuse for cutting down trees in this National Park and commit to science based environmental management” Dr Faruqi concluded.
“National parks are at their core a haven for the protection of wildlife and the enjoyment of the broader community,” said the Australian Greens forests spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“Logging these magnificent red gums ignores the very reason the Murray Valley National Park was established in the first place.
“If the problem is not enough water for trees to stay healthy, the answer is to increase the amount of water, not remove the trees.
“Thinning involves heavy machinery, damage to soil, noise, disturbance, and does not belong in a national park.
“Greg Hunt is trying to take us back to a time when these forests were open slather for the logging industry.
“This is another terrible decision from the World’s Best Minister,” concluded Senator Rice.
Media Contact
Matt Hilton for Dr Faruqi: 02 9230 2625 / 0423106247
Sam Drummond for Senator Rice: (03) 9384 6199 / 0400 352 935