Estimates: where are ARTC's KPIs?


Senator RICE: I want to follow up on a question I asked on notice last estimates, question No. 64. The first question was whether the ARTC could provide the documentation required under the ARTC's 2012 lease with the Victorian government on the key performance indicators. The response I got to that question was that the quarterly report is subject to commercial considerations. I just want to re-ask that. Do you stand by not being able to release that report because of commercial considerations, given that V-Line is a Victorian government agency?

Mr Fullerton: Yes, that is the case. There are commercial considerations. Importantly, in providing a response to that question, we say how we met all our obligations under the lease in terms of the KPIs for track quality, speed restrictions and transit time.

Senator RICE: So you will not release the report. What are the commercial considerations that mean you cannot release the report?

Mr Fullerton: I do not know all the details, other than there are commercial considerations in that lease document, as there are in many legal documents that we enter into with our suppliers and customers, and we are not in a position to be able to release that publicly.

Senator RICE: Is it V-Line that your lease is with?

Mr Fullerton: No, we had the lease with the PTV.

Senator RICE: If the PTV were willing to release it, would you be willing to release it? Mr Fullerton: No, I think it is a commercial document on both sides.