Fast track taskforce to prepare for smelter closure


Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber has called for the State Government to fast track the establishment of a transition taskforce to prepare for the possible closure of the Portland aluminium smelter.

“We can’t sit around and wait for the company to make decisions before we start preparing for the closure,” Greg Barber said.

“Hazelwood employees and the community received just six months warning that the power station would close. Workers at the smelter in Portland might not even receive that.

“After spending billions of dollars subsidising Alcoa’s electricity over decades, surely the Government can provide some funds for regional economic development.

“This closure will have flow-on impacts across the state, given the smelter is powered by electricity generated in the Latrobe Valley. The smelter consumes around ten per cent of Victoria’s electricity, so it’s demise will accelerate the decline of coal power stations.

“The Government needs to come up with a plan to manage this transition,” he said.