The Federation Bike Trail must remain off road


Greens call for the final section of the Federation Bike Trail to remain off-road, after revelations in the Western Distributor Business Case that the Andrews Government plans to complete it with a both off and on road sections.

“The Federation Trail provides a safe off-road cycling trail. That’s why people love it. To link this to the off-road Coastal and to the Footscray Rd Trails by on-road bike lanes undermines the safety and the whole idea of the trail.”

"The Andrews Government has made a big deal about completing the Federation Trail when promoting the Western Distributor project, so it is pretty unbelievable that they have put forward this second rate proposal.”

“The Andrews Government is investing billions in the Western Distributor toll road. The least they could do is do is put a few dollars into completing the Federation Trail properly, by keeping it a safe off-road bike and pedestrian connection.”

“Once you put a bike path on the road, it competes with drivers and trucks, and many people find this unsafe. It will put some riders off.”