Government's Free Kick for Metro Trains and Yarra Trams


Greens transport spokesperson Samantha Dunn says Metro Trains and Yarra Trams have been offered seven year contract extensions without being subject to market competition.

This is despite deteriorating performance with train and tram services being late, overcrowded or cancelled outright, and a massive maintenance backlog in infrastructure.

"The Labor Government promise tighter performance requirements will be applied, but won't release any detail as to what they will be, aside from the bare minimum of not skipping stations,” Samantha Dunn said.

"If passengers are already experiencing late and overcrowded trains and trams, why would anyone believe they can meet future secretive targets?

"Melbourne's public transport users deserve better. Standards should be set so commuters aren't stuck on overcrowded trains and trams, or wondering if they will make it home every night. 

"An open tender would encourage competition and innovative solutions to Melbourne's transport troubles,” she said.

Contact: Alex - 0413 766 792