Greens amendments to Fines Reform legislation make it fairer and extend to victims of family violence


The Greens amendments to make the fines system more fair and equitable for vulnerable people and to include victims of family violence received unanimous support in the Legislative Council  this week during debate of the government’s Fines Reform and Infringements Acts Amendment Bill 2016.

“Whilst the Greens supported the government’s legislation, we also saw the need for further reform for vulnerable people and to include victims of family violence as highlighted by the Infringements Working Group and the Royal Commission into Family Violence,” said Greens Justice spokesperson Ms. Sue Pennicuik today.

“Victims of family violence who cannot afford to pay their fines have now been added to the list of persons eligible for the work and development scheme,” said Ms. Pennicuik. “The scheme allows vulnerable and disadvantaged people to undertake treatment or counselling, voluntary work, courses or mentoring instead of paying a fine.

“The Greens amendments have also ensured work and development permits can be suspended where the person experiences an illness or other exceptional circumstances arise.

“Victims of family violence have also been added to the special circumstances list to apply to have their fines revoked due to the experience of family violence,” said Ms. Pennicuik.

“The amended bill we be returned to the Legislative Assembly for its agreement, but as the amendments were unanimously supported in the Council, I am confident they will pass,” Ms Pennicuik said.