Greens announce plan to expand Medicare-funded dental care


The Australian Greens Denticare plan will invest $6.6 billion over the forward estimates to provide essential dental care to millions of Australians.


“Going to the dentist should be just like going to the GP,” said Senator Richard Di Natale, Australian Greens Leader and public health specialist.


“The Greens have already delivered Medicare-funded dental care for 3.4 million Australian children and now we want to expand the program so millions more can benefit.


“The Greens will protect the Medicare-funded dental care for kids we established and expand over four years to cover full benefit income support recipients, seniors and concession card holders.


“Australia is at risk of an oral health crisis, with many Australians unable to afford treatment.  And untreated dental disease can have serious consequences, including increased risk of heart disease and stroke.


“Leaving dental out of Medicare created an enormous gap in Australia’s universal healthcare system.

“The Greens don’t believe your health should be determined by your bank balance. Our plan would help ensure that every Australian can get the dental care they need, when they need it.