Greens anoint Wynne the Minister for the Wrecking Ball


Greens Southern Metro MP Sue Pennicuik has anointed Richard Wynne the Minister for the Wrecking Ball following his failure to protect the Greyhound Hotel in St Kilda, just weeks after he failed to stop the demolition of the historic London Hotel in Port Melbourne.

“The Minister has also continually refused to prevent the destruction of the iconic Metro / Palace in Bourke Street,” Ms Pennicuik said.

“In these instances only the Planning Minister has the power to stop demolitions and apply interim protections to significant sites. The Labor Planning Minister is siding with property developers over the community,” Ms Pennicuik said.

The Greens have also questioned why the local member - and Minister for Equality and Arts - has failed to intervene and protect the Greyhound Hotel, which has a proud history as a great live music venue and is also a special place, for the LGBTI community.

“Only the Planning Minister can stop its destruction, but so far he’s made it clear that he’s siding with the property developers yet again and more of our unique heritage will be lost for yet another bunch of inevitably bland apartment buildings.

“The local member needs to intervene and get his party on board with the community and the local council.

"We are losing classic art deco buildings all over the place.

“If Richard Wynne allows the demolition of the Greyhound, he will earn the title of Minister for the Wrecking Ball,” she said.  

For further comment: Sue Pennicuik: 03 9530 8399