Greens back Family Court Chief Justice on transgender treatment reform


Greens back Family Court Chief Justice on transgender treatment reform
The Greens have welcomed calls by the Chief Justice of the Family Court for change to the process of getting stage two medical treatment for gender dysphoria, and will work with Justice Bryant to push for change in the next Parliament.
“Australia is the only country in the world to force young people to get Family Court permission before they can access medically approved hormone treatments,” said Senator Janet Rice, who is co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of LGBTI Australians and the Greens spokesperson for gender identity and intersex issues.
“Currently, the process can cost around $30,000 and take up to three critical years.
“It is absurd that we have this barrier when the Family Court has never knocked back a young person's request for hormones where they, their family and their medical practitioners all agree that it is right for them.
“It is a dangerous hurdle, with the delays putting young people at risk of mental ill-health.”
Justice Bryant told ABC Lateline that “we need to try and find some more simple solution”.
“Earlier this year in federal Parliament, we held a briefing for MPs so they could hear from trans young people, their families and experts from around the country. They are crying out for change,” said Senator Rice.
“As one of the parents said on the day, ‘the court process is slow but biology is fast’.
“There are strong indications from Labor, Liberal and independent MPs that they are on board for change.
“The sooner we reform this outdated process, the sooner these young people and their families can get on with their lives.
“The Greens will always stand up for LGBTIQ Australians and their families. We will continue to work with these young people, families, key stakeholders and people from across the Parliament to make this much-needed reform,” concluded Senator Rice.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935