Greens call on government to step up support for our trans and gender diverse young people


The Australian Greens are calling on the government to increase funding for support services for trans and gender diverse young people, after research by the Telethon Kids Institute found that 48% of trans young people have attempted suicide, 80% had self-harmed, and that they are 10 times more likely to suffer serious depression and anxiety compared with the general Australian adolescent population.

‘When you have one group of the population where 1 in 2 has attempted suicide, a figure 20 times higher than their peers, then you have a serious problem that needs a trans-specific approach,’ said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson. ‘This report demonstrates that the government is failing young trans people.’

‘It is vital that we see increased funding for support and mental health services for trans and gender diverse young people, as well as society-wide programs that aim to remove discrimination and stigma and ​that we have law reform to ensure that trans young people don’t have to go through the court system to access hormone therapy.’

‘This should be a wake-up call to Mr Turnbull. These alarming figures come from trans people experiencing much higher rates of discrimination and bullying at school, university, in the workplace and in the home.’

'This is exactly why programs like Safe Schools are so important – ​they save lives,’ said Senator Rice. ‘It also demonstrates that we should not be having a plebiscite on marriage equality. We’ve already seen the hateful and hurtful campaign from the ‘no’ side – this has serious consequences for young trans people.’

Media Release LGBTIQ