Greens call for halt to all WestConnex work and funding pending federal audit


Greens call for halt to all WestConnex work and funding pending federal audit
With the announcement by the Australian National Audit Office of their intention to audit WestConnex, Grayndler Greens candidate Jim Casey, Greens Transport Spokesperson Senator Janet Rice and NSW Greens WestConnex Spokesperson Jenny Leong MP have called for an immediate halt to all work and funding of this controversial project.
Jim Casey, Greens candidate for Grayndler said:
“Congratulations to the steadfast community campaign that has been calling for the federal Auditor General to investigate this shonky project for over a year and have been standing strong against the arrogance of the Baird government pursuing the motorway."
"Federal funding continues to prop up this polluting WestConnex disaster. The latest Federal budget has another $300 million set aside for WestConnex and the $2 billion Federal concessional loan has yet to be drawn down. The Greens are the only party who have made it clear that they won't support any more federal funding going to WestConnex."
“There is now an urgent need for both the Liberal and Labor parties to join the community and the Greens and support an immediate halt to construction and commit to ensuring that no more federal funds go to WestConnex until the Auditor General’s report in Jan 2017."
"It's not enough for this investigation to occur, if the demotion of homes and destruction of our neighbourhoods continue. People are losing their homes now, irreparable damage is happening now, and we must see this cease while the Auditor General conducts his investigation."
"The Greens have consistently said that we need a halt to all construction and federal funding until an independent investigation has been conducted."
Jenny Leong MP, NSW Greens WestConnex spokesperson:
“This is a great win for the community who have been calling for transparency and independent oversight of this project ever since the NSW Auditor General investigated this project and raised serious concerns in December 2014.
“The terms of reference for this Auditor General’s inquiry suggest that the decision to provide $3.5 billion of public federal funds needs to be investigated.”
“We know the proper processes weren’t adhered to when it came to funding WestConnex, with both the federal Liberal and Labor parties blindly throwing $1.8 billion at this project in the context of the 2013 election campaign. Let's not forget it was the former Federal Labor Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese that initially announced the seed funding for this disastrous motorway in January 2013."
The investigation follows the Senate voting in favour of a Greens motion to look into the federal funding for WestConnex. 
"The Greens are standing with the community at all levels of government to oppose this disastrous toll road," said the Australians Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice. 
"The toll road agenda is failing across the country. The community won out in ditching Melbourne's East West Link and the community will win out in Sydney."
Media contacts: 
Jim Casey: 0400 925 217
Senator Janet Rice: 0400 352 935 
Jenny Leong MP: 0434 095 865