Greens commit to nationwide funding boost for Safe Schools


Greens commit to nationwide funding boost for Safe Schools
To mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, the Greens have announced a plan to increase federal funding of the Safe Schools Coalition, with a pledge of $32 million over the next four years for this vital program.
“When our community embraces diversity and celebrates difference, all of us benefit,” said the Australian Greens spokesperson for gender identity and intersex issues Senator Janet Rice.
“The PM's Safe Schools cave-in to the dinosaurs on his backbench was so disappointing. It has meant key parts of the program have been gutted and its funding not secured.
“It has been inspiring to see the courageous parents, students and teachers from all walks of life standing up against the bigoted attacks on the Safe Schools program.”
This commitment is part of a set of broad-ranging policies released by the Greens today that take action to reduce discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people and their families.
“IDAHOBIT Day is a time for us to take action to reduce discrimination against LGBTIQ people and their families, and this plan does exactly that,” said Senator Rice.
“The Greens always have, and always will, stand with our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities.”
**Full policy document attached**
Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935
