Greens congratulate Oliver Yates on leading the Clean Energy Finance Corporation


Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale today praised the work of the inaugural CEO of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Oliver Yates and wished him well in his next endeavours.
“Oliver has shown a passion for delivering Australia’s new clean economy, has made a return for taxpayers through the CEFC’s co-investments and has steered the organisation through three tumultuous years of the Abbott and Turnbull government’s attempts to destroy and undermine the remarkable work of this important public institution.”
“The Greens drove the establishment of the CEFC during the power-sharing Parliament and we fought the conservatives every step of the way. Oliver will be leaving the organisation in good shape, with the government withdrawing its abolition bill, $84 million in retained profits for taxpayers and $5.1 billion of total clean energy investment.
“In a market thrown into turmoil by the government’s political interventions, the CEFC still managed to generate $2 dollars of private investment for every $1 the CEFC invested. The Australian Greens look forward to the successful work of the Corporation during these next crucial years of economic transition.”
“We will be watching the Minister closely to ensure that he appoints the Board’s chosen candidate and caution the government against using this opportunity to diminish the independence and performance of the CEFC.”

Media ReleaseClimate ChangeEnergy