Greens express grave concern over air strikes in Syria



The Australian Greens today expressed grave concern over the decision of the US, UK and French Governments to launch strikes against targets in Syria. Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale reiterated the Greens' call for the Australian Government to rethink the US alliance. 
“The violence and suffering in Syria is appalling, and the use of chemical weapons is an abomination," Senator Di Natale said. 

"But we don’t need a barrage of missiles. This action risks dangerous escalation in a very complex and volatile war.

"Donald Trump is an unpredictable and dangerous ally. A quick glance at his recent tweets shows this is a cynical political exercise for him and he cannot be trusted to avoid the dangers of escalation and miscalculation. 

"The Greens have said time and time again that we must unshackle ourselves from the US alliance. It only serves to make us less safe, not more."

Greens Defence spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said: "After seven years of conflict in Syria, it is clear that a military solution will not end the war. 

"We need to urgently focus on peace talks as the only viable option to end the devastating human suffering in Syria, including the use of chemical weapons.

"The Australian Government must reassure the public that Australian forces will not join any further airstrikes."

Media Release Foreign Affairs