Greens motion to condemn Trump


The Australian Greens have introduced a motion that will allow the Senate to condemn the racist and sexist comments made by Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump.
Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale said, "Donald trump has once again shown himself to be a sexist and racist pig who is completely unfit for office.
“The standard we walk past is the standard we accept so Australian political leaders need to call out these disgraceful comments. This is why the Greens are introducing a motion into the Senate today that condemns the hateful, misogynistic comments that Mr Trump has made throughout his campaign.
“Hateful comments against women and people from different backgrounds have no place in modern society and these are the moments in which we must take a stand. I hope all Senators will meet this challenge and I call on every member of the Senate give a clear commitment that they will support this motion and not make racist, sexist comments in this chamber and outside it,” concluded Senator Di Natale.
Deputy Leader and Greens Spokesperson for Women, Senator Waters labelled Mr Trump a ‘sexual predator’ and added, “This is criminal sexual assault that this man is promulgating against just about any woman that walks past him.
“Sexual assault should never be bragged about or dismissed as banter,” concluded Senator Waters.
Text of Motion:
I give notice, that on the next day of sitting, I will move that:
The Senate:
a)      Condemns the misogynistic, hateful comments made by the Republican candidate for US President, Donald Trump about women and minorities, including the remarks revealed over the weekend that clearly describe sexual assault
b)      Reflects on the divisive, destructive impact that hate speech from political candidates and members of elected office has on our community
c)       Requests every member of the Senate to refrain from making racist, sexist comments in this chamber and outside it.  
d)      Calls on the Government to join the Senate in its condemnation of both Donald Trump, and hate speech in all forms

Media ReleaseMulticulturalismWomen