Greens motion rejects marriage equality plebiscite


Victorian Greens LGBTI Equality spokesperson Sam Hibbins MP has moved the following motion in lower house of the Victorian Parliament

MR HIBBINS — To move, That this House — 

(a) supports marriage equality; and 

(b) calls on the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia to amend the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) to provide for marriage equality; and

(c) calls on the Federal Government to abandon the proposed plebiscite on marriage equality.

“The Victorian Parliament must join other state parliaments in support of marriage equality and reject the proposed plebiscite in favour of legislation," Sam Hibbins said.

“The plebiscite is a hangover from a political fix from Abbott Prime Ministership, and should now be overturned by the Turnbull government.

“The federal government must allow a parliament vote on Marriage Equality by the end of the year," he said.