Greens question Government's plan to put children in adult prisons


Greens MP Nina Springle says the Minister for Children and Families needs to explain how long children removed from youth justice centres will be left in adult prisons.

“Locking children in adult prisons won’t solve this problem,” Nina Springle said.

“The Government’s refusal to deal with systemic issues in child protection and youth justice has created this crisis.

“There is no evidence that putting children in adult prisons will address the causes of their offending, or help their rehabilitation.

"The Victorian Ombudsman has very clearly stated that there are no circumstances that would ever justify the transfer of a child to an adult prison.

“If this is a temporary measure while the damaged youth justice centre is fixed, the Minister needs to provide timelines around the return of young offenders to appropriate facilities.

“The Government needs to listen to experts like Commissioners Jackomos and Buchanan, and former Commissioner Geary, and start addressing the root causes of these young people’s offending,” Nina Springle said.

The Youth Parole Board surveyed young people in detention and found:

  • 43% has a previous Child Protection order
  • 62% were victims of abuse, trauma or neglect
  • 53% offended while under the influence of alcohol and also drugs
  • 33% presented with mental health issues